Thursday, November 28, 2013

Blogpost 8: Alicia Keys : Girl on fire

Alicia Augello Cook popularly known as Alicia keys. Alicia is an R&B sineger-songwriter, pianist,musician,record producer and actress. We popularly known alicia keys from her song no one and girl on fire. Alicia keys wrote and recorded for the soundtrack in  "Men In Black" back in 1997. She gets peoples attention by just playing the piano and singing with her soulful voice, in fact she possesses a great interest in music since her childhood. She had begun playing piano and learned classical music by classy composers like Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin, all of whom are her favorites when she was fourteen years old. Many hip-hop artist have said that Alicia has a good impression especially when she's playing a piano. While she is playing a piano they've said that it simply stuns a audience or someone who is listening to her song.

According to the first article entitled Read Alicia Keys’ Letter To You On The Meaning of ‘Girl On Fire’ by Terrence J, Alicia Keys is honored to share her fifth studio album "Girl On Fire". She said that she took out her comfort zone.Girl On Fire is about new beginnings, new perspective and fresh starts. The song is  about finding your own inner strength and channeling it in a way you never tried before. To be “on fire” is to allow yourself the freedom to take full control of who you are and how you want to live your life. To live your passion and shine your light unabashedly!! It’s that moment you choose to claim your power and be extraordinary.
Ever since we heard the chorus to Alicia keys smash first single "Girl On Fire," these MV displayed some of the different roles women play in society, made us appreciate the song more. They decided to put what a women does in her everyday life. There are certain things a women does everyday put the kids to bed, make food, clean the house, you are with your man and there are certain things that you can relate. So that is why we wanted to display and show.

The “Girl on Fire” lyrics are characteristically Keys, evocative but unspecific. You might imagine the girl-power message nods to Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist of “The Hunger Games,” who appears in a key scene wearing a gown of flames, but “Girl on Fire” also speaks to Keys’s life, which has changed recently with marriage and a new son, Egypt. In her lyrics, her aim is to be personal while stopping shy of confessional, a technique she learned from listening to Marvin Gaye. “As a lyricist you love to hear other great lyrics or other great concepts,” she told me. “I really appreciate Frank Ocean’s lyrical style, I appreciate the way that he can kind of draw you into this personal space, but it’s still lyrical. It’s almost poetic, in a way, but it’s very personal at the same time.”

The "Girl on Fireis less a portrait of Keys's womanhood at a crossroads as it is another extension of a career spent predominantly navigating straight down the middle of the road.
The "Girl On Fire" portrays what a women does everyday with her family. Girl on Fire is about new beginnings, new perspectives and fresh starts… stripping away all the bad energy in your life and taking full control of the reigns and how you want to live. There is something really empowering about finding yourself and your own inner strength. On one song, One of the lines I wrote says, “I’ll never be perfect, but at least now I’m brave!”

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